In December 2013 the work of Active Remedy Ltd was accepted as a method for mitigating harmful affects of climate change and we were accepted as a partner organisation with the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in the Nairobi Work Program.
It was a great pleasure for Active Remedy Co Founder Tara Joy to receive a letter from His Royal Highness Prince Charles, congratulating her on her eco children’s book ‘The Inner Sense of Trees’ and also for the Active Remedy UNFCCC report
In response to a request from the UNFCCC, we submitted a document outlining the Sacred Groves and Green Corridors method to restore water and climate related ecosystems
On the 9th November Active Remedy Directors Stella Joy and Tara Joy attended and participated in 10th Focal Point Forum of the NWP on Health and Adaptation, which was part of SBSTA 45, at the UN Climate Change Conference COP 22.
We attended the UN Sustainable Development Conference in Rio de Janeiro in June 2012, where we met and exchanged views with many interesting people from around the world.
Our fellow Mountain Partnership colleagues MRD have released a new volume on water, risk reduction and biodiversity. It is full of interesting information.
Our fellow Mountain Partnership colleagues Mountain Research and Development (MRD) have recently released a new volume ( Vol 38, No 2 ). It is now available online and open access. This issue of MRD offers transformation knowledge, with a paper on how self-governed small-scale irrigation in Tajikistan helps a local rural population maintain its productivity in [...]
Our fellow Mountain Partnership colleagues MRD have released a new volume looking into water privatisation, water rights, biodiversity and much more.
We sent input in Sept 2012 to The UN Water Task Force to be considered for the Analytical Brief
Our fellow Mountain Partnership colleagues MRD recently called our attention to a 2013 issue dedicated to water governance in mountains, which contributed to the International Year of Water Cooperation. It is worth a read.
Our fellow Mountain Partnership colleagues MRD are making a call for papers exploring the way that mountains and mountain communities are critically affected by climate change
We, along with Water Aid representatives and a representative of Swarovski, gave a presentation at the UN Women UK Advisory Group Meeting on Gender Perspectives on Water and Sanitation.
We gave a presentation at the Gloss Summit on Sustainable Development in Chattisgarh, India In February 2009, where we met with others who like us were looking for solutions to global environmental problems.
We at Active Remedy wish you all a Happy New Year & hope that 2018 turns out to be a year of taking greater care of the Natural World.
In August 2012 Active Remedy became expansion members of ‘The Global Alliance For Nature’ promoting rights of nature. We are impressed and inspired by this refreshing and poignant initiative.
On 20th March 2017 an Indian high court granted the Ganges and Yamuna Rivers the same legal rights as humans. We feel that this is a significant step forwards for the rights of nature.