
Spurred by increasing instability in the climate systems and the global water cycle and the related increase of natural disasters, Active Remedy Ltd. has formulated an innovative method that can be applied and adapted to facilitate ecological restoration, preservation and adaptation efforts around world. This method is called The Sacred Groves and Green Corridors (SGGC) method.

The SGGC method has been formulated in conjunction with traditional indigenous mountain people over many years. It offers a diversity of approaches that understand, respect and are adaptable to local ecosystems, values, spiritual customs and taboos. It is a horticultural method of working directly with mountain communities that integrates modern and traditional knowledge conservation methods, along with long-term sustainability concepts. It does this through combining the conservation methods of sacred groves, green-corridors/ greenbelts, permaculture and companion planting.

On the 30th of March 2016 the Secretariat of the United Nations Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) wrote to us inviting us to contribute towards a worldwide database on the use of Local, Indigenous and Traditional Knowledge and Practices for Climate Adaptation. In response to this request, we submitted this Report outlining the SGGC Method.

We hope that you enjoy reading this document and find it useful and informative. If you do then please share it as widely as possible.

An Outline of the Sacred Groves & Green Corridors (SGGC) Method

The SGGC Model could also be useful in the implementation of Target 6.6 of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

“By 2020, protect and restore water-related ecosystems, including mountains, forests, wetlands, rivers, aquifers and lakes”  

Download: UN, Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.pdf  

In 2015 we created a document that examines the crucial importance of water and Target 6.6 in the implementation of many of the Goals and Targets within the UN 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda.

Front cover landscape small
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